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Consciousness Coaching

"We are not our thoughts. Just because you think something doesn't mean its true. Become more aware of your thoughts, this is Mindfulness and the start of consciousness coaching" ~ Sam Spiro

Mindfulness is one of the hottest buzzwords in the self-help arena today...

...But, the Mindful state actually dates back millenia to the Buddha, whom many say used this mental focus (in the form of an insight meditation technique) to purify his mind to become enlightened. His version is known as Vipassana, which in the ancient language Pali means "to see things as they really are" or "insight". It is still practised worldwide, usually as a 10-day silent meditation retreat.

Dedicating 10 days however, while highly recommended and often life-changing, is not a luxury many of us can afford to give ourselves. What we can do is commit to watching our thoughts more, which means we become more mindful and thus more conscious. We can do this by creating a daily mental self-care and meditating routine, and cues to help us (setting the alarm on our phone, for example).

The more you practise being mindful of your thoughts and being aware of the sensations in your body, the more conscious you become. And then you start to realise the you are NOT your thoughts. This means you have a choice – to attach yourself to those thoughts that pass through you mind (i.e., get sucked into your latest, or any, drama) or to acknowledge them and let them pass through. After more than 20 years of practising this every day, I know it works. This is a short-cut to peace, for those who are ready for it. Are you?

If you are looking to get straight to the root of a problem, and open to "seeing things as they really are for you" then my "Consciousness Coaching" sessions are the way to go.

The results: PEACE and the beautiful feeling that comes through your own insight (inner sight). A feeling that you understand yourself, your own truth. And with this comes the ability to make changes and transform your life, and most of the time much quicker than you ever thought possible.

What is Consciousness Coaching?

  • Each session starts with you telling me where you are at, or your “problem”.
  • I then guide you into your own state of conscious awareness, through breath work and keeping you aware of the sensations in your body.
  • I will then guide you to examine and prove to yourself, at the experiential level, that you are NOT your thoughts. That you are NOT the issue or problem that appears to have taken over your life.
  • After the first session, you will recognise within yourself that something has shifted – and it’s usually this: you can see where your thoughts, feeling-senses and/or unresolved emotions and dramas have popped up and taken over.
  • Clients will be given Mindfulness techniques and a recording to follow to help them become more aware of their thoughts between sessions as well.

How does Consciousness Coaching work?

  1. We start with a free call to discuss the issue and to see if we are a good fit to work together in this way.
  2. Sessions are usually 90 mins (60 mins is possible though for ongoing clients). Skype sessions are possible for ongoing clients.
  3. We agree on homework so that you practise what you have learned between sessions - VITAL to Cognitive Behavioural Change!
  4. I don't recommend a set number of sessions as I do with Hypnotherapy clients. Some people come every week, others when they hit a road block in their lives and nothing else is working. Then it could be a few sessions until you feel you have shifted your perspective on the situation.
  5. Coaching packages are available – buy 6 sessions for the price of 5.
  6. If you require more support between sessions, more comprehensive coaching packages are available (contact me for more details).

Packages: book 6 of the 60-minute or 90-minute sessions and get 1 free

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